Kennedy Will Rely On Lighty And White!

Written by Cameron on . Posted in Garden State Hoops

Paterson……….. Kennedy H.S. will be going through a transition this year after the loss of all everything player Shondel Stewart who is now playing down at Miami Dade J.C. Judging by the Fall League games teams will be getting a heavy dose of senior Dawon Lighty(right) and senior transfer Jahmir White(left).The 6’2  Lighty, a starter as a sophomore and junior will be looked upon to put up big numbers for the Knights this season. His three point shooting will help spread the opposing defense for his less experienced teammates.The 5’10  White will be a big help as he will be looked upon to take over the quarterbacking role on the team. White comes from the high powered Paterson Catholic team and is used to playing at a high level. A very good defender, He also is a good penetrater and can  get to the rack which is going to be key to any Kennedy success!

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