Archive for 2013


Written by Cameron on . Posted in Garden State Hoops, Playaz Spring Fling

         Kennedy H.S. Paterson, N.J…. The annual Playaz sponsored Spring Fling for 15u and 17u took place this weekend and at the end the 15u championship was won by D.C. Assault, while the 17u “Chip”was captured by Albany City Rocks!





                                                                                                   D.C. ASSAULT  62        PLAYAZ 15   42



               006D.C. Assault used a balanced attack and unconscious shooting to manhandle the Playaz 62-42! Guard Ako Adams led Assault with 11 points and the dominating play of their bigmen Sam Green and Joe Hampton proved too much for the Playaz to handle! Jagen Mosely led the Playaz with 15 points! D.C Assault reached the “chip” by defeating area rival Team Takeover 59-54 as the Green and Hampton combined for 26 points in another balanced attack game! The Playaz reached the game by getting past New Heights 63-53 behind the shooting of Patrick Andree with 25 points and Alphonso Gee with 11!







                                                     ALBANY CITY ROCKS   58                     PLAYAZ 17   28



        That is not a typo! Albany City Rocks could do No wrong in their dismantling of the Playaz! Led by John Shurmans 01013 points and 10 apiece from Elijah Burns and Sterling Taplin! The Rock took over early and were never challenged!  City Rocks reached the finals with a 64-48 win over the Playaz 16’s as Burns(left) and Shurman led the attack with 12 points each! The Playaz reached the finals by getting past Team Takeover 68-64 in a spirited contest! Cheddi Mosely led the win with 27 points and Marques Townes with 11!





PLAYAZ NOTES:  Before the finals, the Playaz 15,16 and 17 teams were having a pretty good weeekend! The 15’s got strong weekends002 from Andree(left) and Jagen and also got major contributions from Gee, Najee Hunter and James Scott! The 17’s got strong play from Mosely,Townes and Elijah Cain, but the highlight of the weekend had to be the play of Medford Tech’s Myles Powell(right)! The guard shot the lights out for the weekend having games of 29, 30 and 36 points! He even had a game with 9″triples”! Nick Brooks, Ceasar DeJesus, Sammy Friday, Marquel Sheffield  and Gilberto Cue also had strong weekends for the 16 team!





Written by Cameron on . Posted in Garden State Hoops, Hudson Catholic

004  For years Hoop Journal has bid special farewell’s to individual basketball players who have been an impact on the New Jersey Highschool scene, but more importantly an impact to this site! There has been many top play007-Optimizeders that have been acknowledged on this site! Fuquan Edwin, Myles Mack, Vaughn Gray, Kyle Anderson, Chris Jones, DeAndre Noble-Haywood and  Kavon Stewart are just a few of the top players that have had special acknowledgement on their basketball careers, but No farewell is as emotional as the farewell to Hudson Catholic’s Reggie Cameron! It is not a secret that Reggie is the nephew of this site provider and while trying to be objective is something that this site tries to take pride in, when you have a relative who you know has given all he can to be a big time player and you have been a big part of his blood, sweat and tears and you see the relative success he has had so far it is easy to let the emotions overtake you! Reggie has been blessed with the opportunity to play with and be around some of the best players in the coun019try, let alone the State! The Players that were mentioned above have all been a teammate of his at some point and have all had some kind of influence on the player he has become! The one tremendous trait about Reggie is his loyalty! When it is said that Reggie is Paterson Rec League family, Positive Impact family, Hackensack Rec League family,Paterson Catholic family, Hudson Catholic family or Playaz Club AAU family it has never been more true about an individual! Reggie has had a fantastic highschool career as he and Kavon went to Hudson Catholic and changed the entire culture of that basketball program020012-Optimized, has scored close to 2,000 points (Paterson Catholic and Hudson Catholic)! Leaves Hudson Catholic as the second all-time leading scorer(behind former NBA player Mike O’Koren). Been an accomplished winner with over 100 wins in his career(104-11) and has carried himself with dignity throughout his highschool career! Georgetown is not only getting an outstanding basketball player, but more importantly an outstanding individual! His parents Reggie Sr. and June should be very proud of the person they have raised and on a personal level, Hoop Journal would like to thank Reggie for this tremendous ride throughout not only your basketball career but your life! You have made all of us proud and here’s hoping for nothing but the best in your future!


Written by Cameron on . Posted in Garden State Hoops, Hudson, Hudson Catholic

003   Kavon Stewart has defied the odds in a lot of peoples minds! A tough kid coming out the heart of Paterso021n,N.J. his early immaturity made it seem a foregone conclusion that the streets would get him! But Kavon is proving them wrong! Basketball has been his outlet and it’s his ability to perform that has given him a platform and opportunity to be very successful! As has been mentioned Kavon is also family! Paterson Rec League family, Paterson Catholic family, Hudson Catholic family, Playaz AAU Club family and on another tip adopted Slappy and Cameron family member! Kavon took a chance with his boy Reggie to go to Hudson Catholic after the shutting down of Paterson Catholic and create their own mini legacy! That’s just what he did! 76-11 over the last three years with guys coming and going but him and Re004-Optimizedggie being the mainstays! The maturity of Kavon has been the key to everything he is achieving! Now he can still have his moments and every now and then 019needs to be talked to but the difference is his receptiveness to it! He is a true leader on and off the court now and his Aunt Bernita who has been his true backbone has to be very proud of him! Robert Morris is getting one of the toughest and in this websites opinion the fastest end to end point guard in the State! On a personal note Hoop Journal has known Kavon since he was 10 years old from the day he fed Reggie for their first assist to bucket play and he knows the relationship goes beyond basketball! The support will always be there and a wish for nothing but the best on the next level and the future!