Hoop Journal Conducts It’s Showcase!
International H.S, Paterson, N.J…….. The 2nd Annual Hoop Journal Showcase brought players out to again prove they are collegiate type talents! There was an abundance of that on the floor and every kid to their credit put it on the line! Over the next few days Hoop Journal will be profiling players from the event! Special thanks goes out to the Coaches that came out and made this a credible event as not only did they show up but saw some players that they really liked! Hoop Journal would like to thank the schools that took the time to acknowledge these players! Virginia St.,C.W.Post, Caldwell College as well as Centenary College and area Jucos and the elite Robinson Prep School! Thanks also goes out to the Highschool Coaches who felt taking part in the event was a good thing for their players! Acknowledgement also goes out to the people that help pull off the event! Assemblyman Benji Wimberly, Athletic Director Gerald Glisson, the Paterson Recreation Department, especially Debbie Tillman,the Playaz Basketball Club crew, particularly Jimmy Salmon and D.J. Paldo, The Journal Staff of Tony Murphy, Loretta Stewart, Kendrick and Mekhi and especially the Coaches who pushed these Players to give it their very best! Particularly Reggie Cameron, Kelvin (Kalo) Foreman and Aundrey Bease! Also we want to give thanks to our trainer Mike(Bandaid) Mincey! Thanks to the referees and score keepers and special thanks to the Player’s Parents who are still looking for every opportunity for their child to continue their dream! In the long run that’s what it’s all about! Hoop Journal hopes to continue to make the event even more special in the coming years for it’s participants! Thanks Again!
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